Relief in Action
Join the movement to make a difference in Raleigh

About Raleigh Reilef Project

Raleigh Relief Project is a community-driven nonprofit organization dedicated to providing holistic support and sustainable solutions to those in need. By working with local agencies, organizations, and volunteers, we ensure that individuals and families receive the care, resources, and opportunities they deserve.

Crisis in North Carolina schools

More than one in four or 27.6% of children in North Carolina struggle with hunger. Many students struggle with hunger because they live in economically distressed households, yet they do not qualify for meal benefits at school.

Project Pivot

Project Pivot is a concept born out of collaboration with various external entities, such as social workers, school teachers, and other organizations, to ensure that no one faces food deprivation.

Relief Fighters

Volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of many people in under-served communities.

Please join us to help children around the world have a better life